Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Pastels of Oaxaca

The Back streets of Oaxaca. This is about 5 blocks up the hill from where I was staying.
The flowers, hills and air was very refreshing.

Monte Alban is behind me, and I'm facing the valley.
That little trail up the nearby hill intrigued me.
Where was it going How do you get to the beginning?

Below is the Zapotec ruin of Zaachila. A site on a hill in a little town. I took a cab there by myself but shared a return cab. There are 2 staircases into the underground tombs. I pulled a chair out from the little museum and sat and sketched for about an hour. Brought along some water and a peanut putter sandwich on a flour tortilla. Walked through the town and stopped at a community table to have a quesadilla and diet coke. Shared a table with 4 or 5 locals, who totally ignored me as if I wasn't there. So I sketched them.

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