Tuesday, July 20, 2010

1,000 year old shards

By now the local bus company must dread our requests, it seems we never drive on paved roads. We drove for several hours out to a town that was thriving up to the 1500's. It had been a community of 25,000 people since 500 BCE. The Aztecs used these Mixtecs for their tribute (giving gold etc.)

We hiked the hills and I created a mosaic from found shards. (That's my prof. Dr. Spores who is in charge of the dig) Probably 1100-1500 because the red on cream was how they designed in that era.

We stopped at a few churches from the 16th c. In one a wedding was about to take place. The people were arriving, with church music that has a definite Mexican beat to it. We sat and listened. We were hoping for someone to show up with the key to the museum...no luck. But it was delightful sitting there watching real life happen.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Pearl,
    Your adventure looks like it is a lot of fun! I wish I were with you. I know you will be inspired to create many wonderful pieces of art and have some magnificent lessons to share when you get back to school in Sept.
    Melissa G.
